Public institutions
Public institutions

TOBO furniture in the Bialystok Science and Technology Transfer Park
The transfer station in the Bialystok Science and Technology Park is another place where you can find furniture produced by TOBO. The open space of this modern office has been divided into zones. In the largest of them - the studio there are desks in unusual shapes. They are made in such a way that they combine in different configurations. Movable screens allow you to create smaller spaces that are perfect for working with groups. In the Transfer Room, workplaces connect with spaces intended for rest. We are happy that such interesting and modern projects of objects intended for work are created in our region. The transfer room is an example of the fact that TOBO is not limited to performing orders for standard office or office suites, such as HEBE, NOTER, TIRION or SNABB. Such projects are an example of the fact that our company is open to atypical orders and carries out projects of modern and innovative office space.
We encourage you to read the article in Property Design Magazine
Aby poznać więcej szczegółów dotyczących naszej oferty skontaktuj się z naszym doradcą.
Doradca Klienta
Beata Mikucka
+48 662 055 425
lp.obot@oruib :liam-e
Firma TOBO jest producentem mebli w kategoriach:
Meble biurowe
- Meble pracownicze: NOTER, HEBE
- Meble gabinetowe: TIRION, SNABB
- Stoły konferencyjne: Stoły konferencyjne
- Health Furniture: H2O
Meble domowe
Mele hotelowe
- Systemy hotelowe: Costa-Bravo, Moza, Orkus, Renato
Mele kuchenne
- Systemy kuchenne: Kuchnie Tobo
Posiadamy największy salon mebli i krzeseł biurowych w Polsce wschodniej. Oferujemy krzesła, fotele obrotowye, sofy oraz meble metalowe polskich i zagranicznych producentów.