
We present our latest project. TOBO furniture has been equipped with office rooms of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Białystok.
IPH is the oldest and largest institution of economic self-government in our region. It operates on the basis of the Act on Chambers of Commerce, thus becoming a part of the formula of an organization of economic self-government of social importance, not oriented towards profit, carrying out a mission related to the creation of economic development of the region. The Chamber integrates small, medium and large companies from the Podlaskie Voivodeship specializing in production, trade and services. It is a prestigious organization supporting local entrepreneurs.
Aby poznać więcej szczegółów dotyczących naszej oferty skontaktuj się z naszym doradcą.
Doradca Klienta
Beata Mikucka
+48 662 055 425
lp.obot@oruib :liam-e
Firma TOBO jest producentem mebli w kategoriach:
Meble biurowe
- Meble pracownicze: NOTER, HEBE
- Meble gabinetowe: TIRION, SNABB
- Stoły konferencyjne: Stoły konferencyjne
- Health Furniture: H2O
Meble domowe
Mele hotelowe
- Systemy hotelowe: Costa-Bravo, Moza, Orkus, Renato
Mele kuchenne
- Systemy kuchenne: Kuchnie Tobo
Posiadamy największy salon mebli i krzeseł biurowych w Polsce wschodniej. Oferujemy krzesła, fotele obrotowye, sofy oraz meble metalowe polskich i zagranicznych producentów.